BBC Micro Bit: Motivating Students to Be Computer Experts

The BBC micro bit is a popular digital technologies instrument that lets students construct and react to their surroundings, compose music, play games, and problem-solving techniques. Students may programme the tiny portable microcontroller employing Scratch 3.0, Javascript, Python, or Block Code, enabling it to be a flexible tool that students in elementary and secondary schools can use. Furthermore, the BBC micro bit is a basic microcontroller that could be extended with various add-on tools that enable students to do much more. It also includes simple-attach modular blocks to encourage student initiative and creativity. If you are wondering how the BBC micro bit could assist you, read this blog.

BBC microbit

What Is the BBC Micro Bit?

The BBC micro bit is a tiny, wearable piece of technology that may be configured to perform a variety of exciting things. The BBC micro bit, which looks like a pocket-sized, small computer, enables kids to acquire fundamental programming and coding skills to equip them for today’s technology and environment. The microbit may be configured to function as a gaming console, fitness tracker, and digital watch, among other things.

Furthermore, this gadget has 25 LED lights and two programmable controls that may be utilised in games or to navigate between tunes in a playlist. It also has an onboard compass to monitor the wearer’s movement. To programme a micro bit, students attach or link it to a computer and enter a few lines of code to construct the gadget they require.

What Skills Does It Assist Students in Developing?

The BBC micro bit has been distributed to inspire youngsters to be innovative with programming and coding and to help them improve their technological abilities. Because confidence is the most critical aspect of a young person’s effective information literacy, this technology is designed expressly to instil confidence and creativity, in addition to the growth of new abilities. Furthermore, the micro bit programme hopes to encourage a new generation of digital innovators.

BBC micro:bit v2 board

What Could Students Do With Their BBC Micro Bits?

Perhaps your uncle got you a BBC micro bit, and you’re trying to figure out what to do with it. Then, by reading on, you will learn how to put it to use in the facets listed below:

  • Fashion. Create a digital wristwatch, brooch, or another item that shows a statement, your graphic, or the time.
  • Fitness. Record your steps with a homemade Fitbit, or make an obstacle course and utilise the microbit in a balance challenge.
  • Games. Develop old mobile phone games everyone enjoys, such as snakes or your game concepts. Alternatively, you may use it as a timer or a scoreboard for various games.
  • Music. Sync the micro bit to your cell phone and employ it to manage your music player, produce music, or even use bananas as a soundtrack keyboard.
  • Cooking. To achieve the correct temperature for your sponge cake, connect the micro bit to a thermometer or make an electronic egg timer.
  • Household and Gardening. Link sensors to the microbit, which will notify you whether the plant is pleased with a simple grin or needs a beverage with a scowl.

What Are Included in the BBC Micro Bit Add-ons?

You can even get add-ons with it in addition to the original micro bit! Below are the top microbit kits and the possible BBC micro bits accessories you can expect.

BBC Microbit Kits

Inventors Kit With 10 Experiment

The Inventor’s Kit is an excellent approach for novices to discover how to build and operate electrical circuits and get started with hardware interface and programming interface. You do not require previous programming or electronics knowledge since it includes a lesson book with ten entertaining, intriguing, increasingly more challenging tasks and an easy-to-follow guide.

Smart Home Kit

A smart home creates more practicality, and interacting with it makes life more enjoyable. It’s an excellent tool for studying electronics and programming by transforming your home smarter with micro-bit innovations. Various more projects which come to mind could be developed with this kit and powered by a microbit.

MOVE Mini Buggy Kit

The MOVE mini buggy kit is an excellent place to begin when you wish for an enjoyable advent to the realm of robotic systems. Learning to code this automaton is incredibly simple with the personalised code blocks, and it prepares you for understanding how to operate it yourself using the servo blocks or Python.

Kittenbot Meowbit

Kittenbot Meowbit has an edge connector that provides accessibility to most micro-bit boards of expansion. This card-sized portable device is created to enable you to code your custom games utilising Python or Makecode arcade makes learning enjoyable for both children and adults.

BBC MicroBit Accessories

Some of the possible BBC Microbit Accessories:

  • Move Motor
  • 1m USB Type-A to Micro-B USB Noodle Cable
  • Traffic Light
  • Protector Case
  • MOVE mat line
  • Prong Soil Moisture Sensor
  • Breakout Board
  • Battery holder for 2 AA batteries
  • Micro bit board
  • 1 metre USB cable and five crocodile cables

In Summary

The BBC micro bit is a powerful portable computer that is entirely configurable, developed by the BBC and various other companies. It was created to inspire youngsters to participate actively in technological pursuits such as programming and coding. It has Bluetooth, an accelerometer, a compass, two corresponding push buttons, and a 5×5 LED array. These characteristics make it an excellent entry point into programmable parts and the broader internet of things.